room: L117
tel.: +48 61 829 6226
e-mail: malgorzata.stepniewska@amu.edu.pl
on call-time: thuesday 13:00 – 15:00, friday 12:00 – 14:00
- Mapping and assessment ecosystem and their services
- Administrative problems of environmental management
- Water footprint
- Municipal sewage management
- An expert in the in project „Urban MAES for Poland” (April 2015 – October 2015)
- A member of the Adam Mickiewicz University team as a party of the consortium ESMERALDA (“Enhancing ecosystem services mapping for policy and decision making”) within Horizon 2020 Programme (February 2015 – Present)
- The coordinator of the program covering ecosystem services in Integrated Environmental Monitoring Programme in Poland (May 2014 – Present)
- Co-author of the concept of mapping and assessment ecosystem and their services for Poland (September 2012)
- Determinants and possibilities of implementing the European Union strategic documents and the Treaty of Accession in the field of environmental protection in the Wielkopolska Region. Coauthor of an expert report for Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region in Poznan (October 2011)
- The barometer of sustainable development, Institute for Sustainable Development in Warsaw. An expert in charge of assessment on the progress of sustainable development in the Wielkopolska Region (January 2008 – June 2009)
- Coordinator of local actions for preparing NGOs participation in Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – COP 14 in Poznan (May – December 2008)
Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) – Co-Chair of National ESP Network in Poland
Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists – member since 2013